What are your “Rules of Freedom”?

Henry Biegacz
2 min readJan 2, 2022

I just saw a very interesting article…

The author talked about his “Rules of Freedom”

Here’s what he meant…

We often hear people talk about gaining their “freedom”…

But freedom means different things to different people…

I guarantee you that my definition of freedom is different than anybody else’s…

So, what he was saying is: Define exactly what “freedom” means to you.

What’s your perfect life look like?

Picture it and define it. Write it down and study it.

You have to know what you want before you go for it and try to achieve it…

You won’t get in a car and drive aimlessly with no destination in

mind and hope you get where you want to be…

Same thing here.

So, let me show some of my “Rules of Freedom”:

1. The biggie is financial freedom. To me that means not having to worry about money at all.

If I want to buy something, I don’t even have to check the price tag because I know I have the money.

If you ever hear someone say “Money isn’t that important” I hope your BS meter goes berserk because that’s a huge load of baloney.

Think about this: Of all the problems you have, how many would disappear if you could write a check!

Big credit card debt-write a check

Huge mortgage payment-write a check

Kids in private school-write a check

Crappy car-write a check

You get the idea!

When someone says “Money can’t buy happiness”, run the other way.

Do you know what else money can’t buy?


2. Freedom from bosses

I hate people breathing down my neck, don’t you.

3. Freedom from the commute

I did this for many years and can still smell the exhaust fumes

from the guy in front of me

4. Freedom from the alarm clock

Self explanatory

I’ve got a bunch more, but you get the idea.

So, do this-take a few minutes and write down your rules of freedom.

It will give you the roadmap that will guide your journey…

It will give you the direction and inspiration we all need…

And set you on the path to reaching all your goals.



Henry Biegacz

Internet marketing and YouTube marketing strategist